Monday, September 7, 2009

new SV- Alhamdullilah...

Today, reached ct cam, went straight to see Midah, the cute girl from gsb office. Purpose is to find out the committee decision. i was so confident the result will as what i asked for... hihihi...
Nevertheless, I got speechless once she handed me the small notepad, handwritten to whom I, najib and roslan are assigned to.. Prof MD, Dr. AI and only Roslan is maintained under Prof. NI.

Alhamdullilah.. we have tried, and we have prayed.. but Allah is the one who decide.. Allah is all- Alert and all - Knowing...

InsyaAllah, let this be the path bring me to success..

Rabbi Yassir Wala Tu' Asir

Wish me best of luck!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Religion and Economic Performance, MARCUS NOLAND (2005)

Provided gap- in the article:

  1. "Economist have paid little attention to the potential impact of religious belief on economic performance"

Strike my eyes!... this paper argued about Islam- a drag on Growth? This statement was written by Guiso et. al (2003)- i've printed the article titled "people's opium (what the heck?) Religion and economic attitude". Let us see what is the finding of the argument in Noland's work. Malaysia were also involved in this work, btw...

Little attention have been paid by the economist on economic performance which potentially impacted by religious belief. It is argued that Islam as a religion is negatively associated with attitude being in conducive to growth and anti market (???). Therefore, this paper investigates the relationship between religion and economic performance in both cross country and within country regressions. On the contrary, the result shows that Islam do promotes growth and deny the notion that Islam do not support to growth. Proven through the statistical analysis that in both and within is positive.

This paper is so on the statistical analysis, so, i just write based on my reading interest part.. hihi..

The impact of Greek Orthodoxy on entrepreneurship: a theoretical framework, Gotsis and Kortezi (2009)

This article is interesting, despite the lenghty and for me, too many jargon words (hihihi).. ;p. Very well organized for qualitative approach article (started with examined the core concept, values and institutional aspect. Next, assess the impact on individual and collective perceptions of business activities. Then, formulate the theoretical proposition and finally deduce it and provide concluding statement. ;)

The purpose of this paper is to offer a theoretical framework for the analysis of the eventual implications of Greek Orthodoxy for business and entrepreneurial activities in general. The paper examines the basic concepts, tenets and principles – in particular, those being of interest to business and entrepreneurship – of a specific religious worldview, Greek Orthodoxy. It then applies these religious norms to value-based entrepreneurial pursuits and assesses their potential impact on entrepreneurial motivation and action. Particular emphasis is given to the societal relevance of this comprehensive worldview. In this respect, it is argued that Greek Orthodoxy’s binding principles should also be examined in their relationship with ethno-religious communities underlying the formation of entrepreneurial networks beneficial to economic prosperity and overall welfare. The paper conceptualises the potential benefits derived from a specific religious worldview, as well as its capacity to enrich entrepreneurial discourses. While these benefits are primarily situated at the individual level (at least to the degree to which religious beliefs can inform decisions), there is a rationale in viewing religious truth claims as constituent of ethno-religious identities of both local and immigrant communities. Propositions exemplifying the behaviour of entrepreneurs who draw from such important ethic and religious resources are also offered. Limitations of the present study, as well as areas of prospective research, are equally taken into consideration. The paper attempts to offer a tentative framework epitomising the significance of Greek Orthodoxy for the world of business and entrepreneurship. It further provides the theoretical foundations of future empirical research on religious-based entrepreneurial attitudes in the wider context of Eastern Orthodoxy.

Rabbi Yassir Wala Tu'Asir

Wish me best of luck!!

The Making of Entrepreneurial Islam and the Islamic Spirit of Capitalism, Emin Baki Adas (2006)

i couldn't find this too... :(
DOI: 10.1080/14797580600624745
Published in: Journal for Cultural Research, Volume 10, Issue 2 April 2006 , pages 113 - 137

This essay examines the relationship between Islam and economy through a case study of Islamic entrepreneurs in Turkey. It analyzes the cultural politics of Islamic entrepreneurs and examines the Islamization of capitalism and the construction of entrepreneurial Islam by probing the interpretative activities of Islamic actors who deconstruct and reconstruct the relationship between Islam, economy and entrepreneurship. The construction of Islam as incompatible with and antagonistic to capitalism has a long history. Vestiges of such thinking still continue to be reflected in contemporary accounts that depict the encounter between Islamic societies and forces of global capital as a hostile battle, each trying to outdo the other. It can be argued that this confrontational scenario is not limited to Islamic world, but also displayed in other accounts that study the meeting of forces of capital with those of local cultures at a global scale. This essay attempts to challenge such dualist accounts that oppose “global capital” and “local culture”, and shows how such dualisms fail to see how capitalism and culture interpenetrate and transform each other. The essay attempts to show that a new synthesis between religion and capitalism is unfolding where culture has not been outdone but is creatively transformed and integrated to capitalism, while capitalism is made a part of “one's culture”.
Rabbi Yassir Wala Tu' Asir

Wish me best of luck

The role of religion in entrepreneurship participation and perception, Peter Carswell and Deborah Rolland (2004)

This is just copy and paste as I couldn't get the access to the article... so sad :(

This paper examines the relationship between religion and entrepreneurship and whether religious practice impacts on how individuals view the individual and societal contribution of business enterprise. Religion and enterprise have a complex interdependent relation (Dodd and Seaman, 1998; Anderson et al., 2000), with the Western Protestant work ethic raising entrepreneurship to a privileged status. As ethnic diversity has increased within the western world, so too has the religious mix of value systems and religious belief systems that come with such diversity/religions. Paralleling increasing diversity is the decreasing participation rates in the traditional Christian churches. We question the impact of this changing religious mix on entrepreneurial participation and perception. Our findings indicate that increasing ethnic diversity and associated religious value systems are certainly not going to negatively reduce the business start-up rate. If anything, the start-up rate may be enhanced.
religion, entrepreneurship, immigration, entrepreneurial participation, entrepreneurial perception, ethnic diversity, start-ups, immigration, New Zealand
Rabbi Yassir Wala Tu' Asir
Wish me best of luck

religion and entrepreneuship, Audretsch et. al (2007)

Provided gap - from the article

1. "While consideration concern has emerged about the impact of religion on economu development, little has actually known about how religious impact on the decision of individual."

This paper examine the influence of religion on the desicion for people to become and entrepreneurs and in general, religion and entrepreneurial in Indian context. The finding supported Max Weber's in sight, religion in India is an important influence on economic matters. India has adverse religiona, and the majority are Hindu, Islam and Christian. Islam and Christian are conducive to entrepreneurship, while Hindu proven, is inhibit into it. This may be resulted from the caste system that influence the backward classess and to the Hindu in general.
Future research on this topic and the conditioning effect of teh particular locational context is recommended.
Rabbi Yassir Wala Tu' Asir
Wish me best of luck!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Religion and Entrepreneuship in New Zealand, Carswell & Rolland (2007)

Provided gaps- From the article:
  1. "It appears that while entrepreneurship literature suggest that value system may
    significantly affect entrepreneurial activity, little research has been done in
    Non- Christian values"
  2. "This area of research is relatively untouched, there are many possible avenues that need to be explored further. "
  3. " Few studies that attempted to examine the roles of religion in entrepreneurship participation and perception."
  4. "A deeper understanding between entrepreneurship and culture is needed (Morison, 2000) and this paper attempt to use Religion (sub culture) to that direction.
The purpose of this article is to examine the relationship between religion and entrepreneurship, and how changing religious mix might contributing to entrepreneurial participation and perception in New Zealand, to understand the individual views on the individual and social contribution of business Enterprise. New Zealand has religious mix and ethnicity over the last 25 years, does this has an impact to entrepreneurship participation and perception?. 2000 sample were randomly selected as sample and via telephone they were asked to measure their perception of individual and societal impact of entrepreneurial participation and religious practice. The finding shows that increasing diversity does not appears to have an impact on differentiating perceptions on the perceived importance of entrepreneurship for societal growth and well being. This may resulted by the three major religions, focuses on achieving a desired place in the afterlife, and good works with and for mankind while on earth is obligatory.
Future research:
  1. "aim specifically at one religious group to gain better understanding of their entrepreneurial motivations and intentions"- to explore why some religious groups appear to be more entrepreneurial than others and whether or not the government support system driven out Western/ Christian philosophical perspective best meet the need of such group.
  2. "Examine the value system held of the various religious entrepreneurs and non- entrepreneurs".
Rabbi Yassir Wala Tu' Asir
Wish me best of luck!

it's reading time

am downloading alot of religion and entrepreneurs stuff... and need to stay focus on reading 'em disipline my self, and to summarize each article had been read. I will post it here every single of it... InsyaAllah..Infact, I have started with few articles (sorry not to post it now, coz am still in the midst of downloading others...). Those i think is relevant, will be posted here, in my blog.

With this, I'm hoping that i will be more sound in writing and enable me to develop ideas with critical mind. Am thinking to start an my own article based on my reading...

Rabbi Yassir Wala Tu' Asir

Wish me best of luck!

Religion and entrepreneurs: an introductory exploration, Dodd & Seaman, 1998 (ETP)

Religion has the power in shaping the society (vice versa), personal belief , hence, this paper focus upon the relationship between entrepreneurship and religion, and the continuance of Weberianism, with the famous quasi Weberian- hard work, independence, thrift and economic success. In order to operationalize this research, qualitative approach has been adopted (including semi structured interviews and secondary data) to assess the religiosity affect on individual behavior and examine the nature of the religion of the entrepreneurs. Taken UK entrepreneurs as the sample, the hypothesis aiming to show the relationship between economic success of entrepreneurs really has impacted by a religion. The finding shows that very entrepreneurial (successful entrepreneurs) are no more likely to be religious than those whose entrepreneurship pertains solely in self employment. There were an argument that paucity of time, independence, limited network and economic independence has caused to that scenario. Therefore, this study has entirely escape to notice of the subjects of Weber theory but lend support the theory of British secularization- the power of religions- a significant munificence factor in Britain at least, may well be rather smaller than anticipated.
Future research:
  1. the sample size of the study were for some important groups in Britain, while this issue is cross- denominational.
  2. indepth and qualitative research on the substantial minority of the self employed and business owners in the sample.
Rabbi Yassir Wala Tu' Asir
Wish me best of luck!