Thursday, September 3, 2009

Religion and Economic Performance, MARCUS NOLAND (2005)

Provided gap- in the article:

  1. "Economist have paid little attention to the potential impact of religious belief on economic performance"

Strike my eyes!... this paper argued about Islam- a drag on Growth? This statement was written by Guiso et. al (2003)- i've printed the article titled "people's opium (what the heck?) Religion and economic attitude". Let us see what is the finding of the argument in Noland's work. Malaysia were also involved in this work, btw...

Little attention have been paid by the economist on economic performance which potentially impacted by religious belief. It is argued that Islam as a religion is negatively associated with attitude being in conducive to growth and anti market (???). Therefore, this paper investigates the relationship between religion and economic performance in both cross country and within country regressions. On the contrary, the result shows that Islam do promotes growth and deny the notion that Islam do not support to growth. Proven through the statistical analysis that in both and within is positive.

This paper is so on the statistical analysis, so, i just write based on my reading interest part.. hihi..

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